Friday, January 15, 2010


These look like they are on fire.

Anne, this is the one I was telling you about that is like a jelly fish. This is the best image I was able to capture. It may be from the same tree as the lichens above.

These look like raisins that have been soaking in water. This is from an oak tree on the side of the yard. We see these every year on limbs and twigs that fall from the tree.

These are all photos taken this summer. Anne at Hearts and Hands has been posting lichens from some of her walks in the woods. Her lichens are more free form while ours are attached to tree limbs.


Anonymous said...

Its so damp and warm here; i touched some of the raiseny lichen when cleaning up in the yard. Thought of you.

Mississippi Made said...

I try not to touch them, they weird me out.